Together We Are Buttiful

We the Butty, are the butt-shaped beings which are not human molar teeth without roots.
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Welcome Butty & Little Bummers

Say Hi to Butty's boys who called themselves the Bummers. They are Bumden, Bumsey & Bumley. They are young, energetic, playful and creative! Bumden is the oldest. Bumsey and Bumley are twins.
Twin Bottom Earth

A Parallel Earth Not Too Far Away

Butty, its clan, family and friends are the butt-shaped beings that reside on the Twin-Bottom earth which is a moon of Uranus. Butty belongs to the But-Clan. Butty likes cosplay, Human Earth cultures, meditating, making new friends, enjoying adventures, exploring mysteries and spreading love.

We the But-Clan of Twin Bottom

Let's us introduce the houses within the But-Clan
  • Butty toilet web
    Butty Butty
    House of Butty
  • Butler web
    Alfred Butler
    House of Butler
  • Buttercup web
    Kirro Buttercup
    House of Buttercup
  • Butta for web
    Butta Butter
    House of Butter
  • Butterfish web
    Aqua Butterfish
    House of Butterfish
  • Button web
    Bunjamin Button
    House of Button
  • Buttress web
    Mussell Buttress
    House of Buttress
  • Butterfly web
    Little Butterfly
    House of Butterfly
Twin bottom for web

The Adventure Begins

Let's get to know the Butty’s families, friends and other houses on the Twin-Bottom Moon of Uranus. Butty loves to share But-Clan’s fun activities, daily chores, weekend entertainments and adventures will be shared in different medium. The Butties transform their love and positive vibe and energy into physical objects that share with human. Butties are high tech species which are great at manifestation but not as creative as human. They are amazed by Earth's nature, music and art. They welcome any creative individuals to do astro travel to Twin-Bottom to collaborate . Come with us to discover and explore the Twin-Bottom Moon of Uranus with Butty and Associates.

We the Butty Buddies

We are Butty's first contact on Earth. Can't wait to cheek-chat with you all!
  • Edwin
    Edwin, Butty Avatar
    The Left Cheek
  • Sandy
    Sandy, Butty Avatar
    The Right Cheek
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